The original cab had succumbed to rain and rot. None of the material was salvable except for templates.

Even the carpentry techniques has been lost to time. It was a challenge to assemble exactly to be historical standards.

What was left of the original cab was brought to the museum to use as a pattern. It was then laid out on the ground in organized piles similar to an archaeologist when trying to reconstruct an ancient artifact. This demonstrated the joinery which was reproduced in the new cab.
An original attempt was made to bend the wood in a steamer but proved ineffective. Making laminated boards in shop proved to be the winner.

The inside of the 1364 prior to installation of cab

…a little to the left…..a little to the right…

Huston we have a problem….it doesn’t fit

The Eagle has landed.

Vic Hanson refurbished the pilot (or cow-catcher) in his garage.

“Special Delivery for the 1364!!”

Dave George (late and former 1364 CMO) and Vic Hanson

A proud day for Vic Hanson when he witnessed the mounting of the pilot, a project in the making for 28 years. Vic started with the group in Nallys Valley when the 1364 was moved from Pt Defiance in Tacoma WA.