The Northern Pacific Railway Museum is a non profit organization totally run by volunteers. With the exception of the cleaning crew there is no paid position. And even the cleaning crew is an organization that is for special needs people. We receive no state or federal assistance; our organization depends on donations, members, and volunteers.

If you said volunteers you are correct. Countless hours have been put into the restoration. Presently we are pressure-testing and when we pass the test we can fire it up for final certification.
It is volunteers like Harold Weatherwax and others that donated time to bring this Snyder Speeder to where it is now. Another volunteer is overhauling the engine at the time of publication of this page.
Its previous owner in Maine took great care to maintain the interior to the original. When we received the car it was like opening a time capsule.
For more information about the Spokane Club click here

If you guessed private donations you again are correct. It took a significant amount of cash to ship by rail. We thank the BNSF for donating the cost of shipping from Chicago to Toppenish. Private donors contributed to the purchase as another group contributed to the reupolstering of the original furniture.

Doug and Dave went back to Beech Grove to evaluate if this was worth purchasing.

Members teamed up to get new certified trucks on this car before this car could be transported. The rusted trucks seen are not heavy duty and needed upgrade. Click here to learn more.
Friday morning Aug 24 museum members came to receive and move the NP 460 to her new home. Mouse over the picture to see what the NP 460 looked like before becoming Amtrak.